Friday, 11 March 2016

Feeling a Bit Gassy.

As I've already posted, the kitchenette has been in for some time.
This week, the gas went on!

We had originally planned for a 9kg bottle but decided on a smaller bottle so we had more room and less hassle.

The hardest part was finding an accredited caravan/motor home fitter so he could give us our ticket which is required for the engineer certificate.

We found a guy who was willing to do the job and make the drive down. Fist visit he told us what we needed to do to be certified and cover safety regulations.
This mostly involved a sealed box, accessible from the outside only, able to withstand a lot of force, bolted to the bus body with M8 bolts etc, lockable door, rear facing, bottom vents.
These had to be a certain circumference and we had to add PVC pipes cut at an angle to stop a vacuume effect when traveling.
The bottle had to be secured in a purpose made cradle which could also withstand force. We were lucky that the bus is diesel as there is a whole other list of drama with fuel and ignition points!

PHEW! Got that bit done and then had to wait a few months for the 2nd visit to arrive.

Well... yesterday was the day. we now have a functioning stove!
Here is the Dinette. The cupboard on the left has the gas box in it.

It got painted white and is all nice now.

 See the vent holes with PVC pipes fitted? 
The bottle bracket is a standard one off eBay.

Not sure if I posted about the door. It is a fibreglass one from Caravans Plus (see previous posts for link).

These signs are from eBay and the bottom one is from our local caravan shop. These are 'must haves' to get the ticket.
Our permanent vent is the window which must be opened when the cooker is in use. 
 Here is the first bit. A tap in the line and pipe to the stove.
All done! A regulator on and the cooker is ready to go. 
(the bottle will be latched in when on the go, of course!)

Wednesday, 20 January 2016


I don't think I have had a chance to write about our little dinette.
The original plan was to put it on the other side of the bus but the gas storage wouldn't allow for it so we moved it over to the door side.

It is a pretty simple little thing.

First we insulated and lined the wall like we have in the rest of the bus, taking note of spots we could bolt the frame of the dinette to. We have used the same 3mm steel angles and M8 bolts as in the rest of the bus too.

The dinette frame was constructed using 4" x 2" structural pine.
We made the box shape and bolted it together.

Next, we stuck and screwed the leftover bathroom WallArt lining on the outside. Durable, shiny, white and didn't cost us extra... win!

We added a white fire extinguisher mounting recess and screwed it in place by the door. This was purchased at a local caravan accessory place. The requirement is to have it near to the exit/entry and fire points. We will also have a larger one in the cabin area in case of engine/kitchen fires.

The lid of the dinette seat is laminated pine panel from Bunnings, routed with a bullnose and painted white. We used big 150mm hinges because it will be lifted often and sat on.


The clips ensure that the lid doesn't come open in travel, especially since it will store heavy objects such as a camp oven and the battery compartment.

Next is the table mount. We opted for the Lagun table arm as it is easily detached and has a number of options in moving/height adjustment. We purchased this from a yacht and boating store online. Expensive but worth it for the flexibility, quality and look of it.

The cushions for the seat are made from 3mm (back) and 4mm (seat) high density foam purchased cut to size from Aussie Disposals. This is durable and will not squash quickly. We made the covers using upholstery material from Spotlight ($9m on special!) and overlocking/sewing them.

The little tabletop is made from the same laminated pine as the seat but we opted to varnish it to match the kitchenette benchtop.

We cut the table in half and routed it in such a way that it can be folded in half and still be functional as a small table. This saves space as it can be used by a single person or pushed out of the way more easily than a big table.

We reattached the halves using decorative hinges (Bunnings) and a rubber stopper, screwed to the Lagun arm, stops the table hyper-extending and breaking when in the open position. Tiny silicone stoppers means there will be no rattles and the table is level when closed. And that is that...