Thursday, 27 March 2014

Top storage cupboards

This post feels like it has been a VERY long time coming.

Remember these?
These are the top lining panels for the bent bits above the windows. I salvaged them from the strip-out, to use around the insides of the cupboards. A bit of paint and some reinforcing behind those cracked parts and they look great.

Anyway, back to the post about these top storage cupboards...

We thought long and hard about the best stuff to use when building these cupboards. Finally we settled on 3mm steel angle. Cheap, paints well, won't cause electrolysis when attached to the steel frame and it is very strong. The engineer stipulated that all steel structural stuff needed to be at least 3mm so this ticks that box.

Once again, the rivnutter came in VERY handy. 

First we insulated the roof and reattached the lining. The insulation has heat AND sound rating which should be good for road noise.

  See the rivnuts for the frame? The rivnuts to attach the steel frame to the bus are M8 but the ones on the frame, which the timber lining will be attached to, are M6.

Frame is bolted on. At this point it looked very weird and wonky but it WAS level... just an optical illusion when compared to the bendy bus.

Other side and big back cupboard too.

We had to see if the melamine dinner set that we got off my family for Christmas would fit in there!

Timber covers the frame (pine). Hubby routed it beautifully and puttied the bolt holes where it is bolted onto the steel. The engineer is very particular about the fact that it should be secured in this way.

Here you can see the bigger end cupboard lining going on. It is laminated pine from Bunnings. The other panel (missing in the photo) has the bus speakers built in. 

Partially painted with the final colour and looking pretty good!

COMPLETED with hinges, doors and special motorhome latches. They are the 'small' size in brushed nickel finish. The knobs pop out when you press them. In this pushed in position, they are locked and will not come open. Whe they are popped out, they clip open like a regular kitchen cupboard latch. I got them for a good price on eBay (click here to see eBay listing: )

Popped out, ready to open.

Open. The hinges are just 'easy-fit' ones from Bunnings.

The deeper back cupboard with speaker installed.

You can't imagine how happy I am! Having these installed means that we can work on the bed/boot with struts and cute side cupboards...

                                                              ...but more about that later!

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